
Friday, June 05, 2020

Maintenance Update

We saw Mark Kenner out on his rounds this morning so caught up to him to say hello and find out what's on his agenda.

The big news is that ALL our buildings and amenities are coming back on line starting today.  This includes Guest Services, Activities, the library, billiards, woodshop, pottery, glass shop, sewing room, etc. etc. and almost all furloughed employees will be back on schedule.  Yahoo!!  

Crews:   Landscaping (11), Hardscape (3), and Maintenance (8).  I had to ask what Hardscape meant.  That's the crew that works on walls, brick work, etc.  Then we got a few chuckles about all the walls that get knocked down by RVs and trailers that don't quite make the corner.

Mark's office is getting moved again.  He is currently enjoying the bigger space in one of the park models along the sales street but this week he and the maintenance office will be moved into Gabby's old office by the front desk.  That puts all management personnel in one building.

Mark's BIG project for the summer is completed in that the main pumping station has been replaced.  Huge project.

The Weedco contractor has finished complete weed spraying around the entire park.

The contractor has agreed to come back to the park every Friday to handle any weeds that were missed during the process.  To all residents:  if you see a site that needs weed attention, send Mark an email and he will forward it to the contractor each week.  That's service!!

PALM TREES:  The monumental task of trimming all 3000+ palm trees starts next week with a contractor crew that will climb the huge date palms by the front office.  I hope to be there to video the process.  

Here's a pic from previous years:  

Our own landscaping crew not only trims the thousands of trees and shrubs inside our walls, but they also maintain the MILES of outer walls all around the park.  I complimented Mark in how clean our perimeter is kept as we've commented on that a number of times when out driving through town.  Mark and Donna frequently drive the perimeter to pick up trash.  The city Public Works department is scheduled to clean the canals along perimeter walls. 

In addition to all of the above, the street sweeping contractor brings in his crew of trucks to sweep our streets two days every month.

Painting of all the buildings continues.  The white color certainly makes the buildings stand out.  Rumor was that the white was only a primer.  Nope.  Buildings will all be white per directive from corporate.

Sales office.

Sewing Room.

I'm always talking about the unique ways our desert plants grow.  Check out the new bloom inside this sega palm.

Strange!  We don't see these in Ohio.

And news which all of you seem to favor the most.

No matter how troublesome they are, they're adorable when they cuddle up.  

Have a GREAT day!