
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Clarificaiton of Pool Rules

Good news!!  Our park pools are NOT closed.  Scott sent out further clarification of the Governor's message this morning:

After re-reading the declaration and receiving additional clarification/interpretation:  The pools are not limited to 10 people.  The declaration states as a private pool we need to provide signage that reminds people to maintain physical distance and that groups larger than 10 should not congregate.  If we are following the 6’ social distancing guideline, it is impossible to be considered congregating.  An example of congregating would be 10 or more people sitting side by side around a table or crowded around a fire pit.  Having 10 or 20 people socially distanced properly in the pool doing aerobics would not be considered congregating. 

Playing volleyball is also fine as long as we can maintain social distancing.  As long as we can maintain proper social distancing we are good.  The declaration did not state only 10 people are allowed at a time.  In a nutshell, maintain proper social distancing and we are in compliance.  Let me know if you have any other questions.  Signage has been placed at the pools to reflect this as well.