
Friday, May 08, 2020

weeds, flowers, birds, cats

Crews are out bright and early to beat the heat.  It's lovely in EARLY morning but sure heats up in a hurry once that sun peeks out.  What a lovely difference it makes when the weeds are gone.

Once the crew hand digs the weeds, the spraying trucks move in.

We've been pretty fortunate that pigeons don't take roost on our houses but occasionally one does and they surely make a mess.  Spikes aren't much of a deterrent but this homeowner may have found the secret by tossing lots of cactus in there.  The persistent pigeons have given up and gone elsewhere.

This morning we found 4 pigeon eggs in a pot in front of that same site.  I can't believe a pigeon would sit that close to the ground and so close to the street.  I'm thinking someone just placed the eggs there.  Right???

The baby hummers are ready to launch!

I shouldn't even bother to post my cell phone photos of humming birds.
Look what Tom Gottfried can do with a REAL camera!  He spotted this nest elsewhere in the park.

Now for what Don calls some boring cactus photos.
This tiny little stump of a cactus produced this beautiful blossom.  Quite an accomplishment for just a stump of a plant.

Now that I've been taking Kat outside on his leash, he wants out more often....even in the heat of the afternoon.  The little devil is trying to get the door open on his own.  We keep hearing the twang of the door handle as he reaches for it......even during the night!

Watch this little devil in action.

The dog parks open today so I'll get some fun photos to share.