
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Turning the page to June & open mailboxes

Ah yes...........we soon turn the calendar page to June.  The heat looks like it's starting a week earlier than usual.  Average June temps in Arizona range from 102 to 106 and here it comes.

Heat exhaustion sneaks up on us really fast so here is a note to those readers who are still here.  Carry water with you at all times.  We even keep two bottles in the car just in case.

I saw this post on Nextdoor this morning.  Thanks for posting, Peggy.  I haven't spotted the feathery critters for the last several days so its good to know they're still around.

I like to keep in touch with our mailroom and inquire about the number of open mailboxes here.  That's a quick way to get a feel for how many people are still here in the summer.

Mailroom news from Donna Cox:

We currently have about 450 open mailboxes but anticipate it dropping to 425 after this week.  More people are finally feeling safe enough to travel back home.  The weather forecast is probably helping them make that decision too.  😎

This 425 is at least 100 more now than last year at this time.

We are also seeing an increase in short term residents who are working on different building construction around our Lucid Motors for one.  According to the article in the Dispatch, Lucid wants to be producing cars by the end of this year.  They will need 2000 workers and their plant in Coolidge with employ another 2000 later on.  

We watch the progress of the palm blossoms.  The branches will be swarming with bees as they gather the nectar.  Once all the blooms are open, they fall like snow.  When life is this quiet, this is how we pass the time.  😁

Mouse dislikes having the blinds drawn but it helps when I'm working at the computer.  I get the message.

Meanwhile, Kat is in my bedroom emptying the drawer so he can crawl in for a nap.
Get a cat they said.  It will be fun they said.  

If at first you don't succeed, try a different drawer.

and then move over because Mouse is waiting to join in.