
Monday, May 04, 2020

Around the park

Looks like triple digits continue through the upcoming week.

Mama dove has hatched her eggs among the metal spikes.

These look like some kind of petunia.  Google lens says it is Calibrachoa.  They are evergreen short-lived perennials and subshrubs with a sprawling habit with small petunia-type flowers.  Certainly beautiful!  Found them on a corner lot along Cole Circle.

Today is asphalt day for some streets in the park.

Just a pretty stop along our route this morning.

There's not much excitement to write about so we just snapped casual photos of residents out enjoying the cool 66 degree morning.

After Kat's morning walk around the perimeter of our site, he rests in his new cage to watch the birds.  They certainly aren't afraid of him!

I know not everyone subscribes to Nextdoor so I copied a couple lovely photos to post here as well.

Thank you to Richard Schneider for capturing this neat photo of a rainbow emanating from our irrigation line.

Rita & Bill Fordham captured this lovely sunset photo.

You have to admire American humor even in these ugly quarantine times.

P.S.  I heard a rumor that Flute Players will be performing tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. at site 1946.

Keep smiling and enjoy the day!!