
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Street Sealing, Weed Control, and Thank You to Sewing Guild

STREET SEALING:  (from Gary Lambert)

Next week you will receive a flyer in your mailbox detailing street sealing work that will take place on May 4th and 5th. This is work that was deferred from December due to inclement weather, and has already been paid for. We elected not to try to do street work during January through April due to the sheer volume of traffic, so it is now time to get this completed. Given the recent temporary reductions in staffing, we did not want anyone to think that we were spending new money on work of this nature.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Facilities Team. 
Gary Lambert
Operations Manager


WEED CONTROL:   (from Mark Kenner)

Weedco was here last month and sprayed all of Henness Road and all golf course curbing up to the resident property lines. This will last for 6 months. They will be here in May and June and will spray all of the 2375 resident sites which will last for 1 year. They will be back in September to spray Henness Road and golf course curbing again. In the meantime our crew is weeding for the 1st 2 hours of every day. We are doing the best we can. Mark

Mark A Kenner, PGA
Director, Facilities



Not everyone lots onto Nextdoor so wanted to be sure this message gets circulated.

Donations to Food Banks and Soup Kitchens

I truly don't know how to start this and do it justice. Please bear with me and I will try. Today was an amazing day to say the least. I was getting ready to take my second truck load of donations down to the CG food bank/soup kitchen from the people of Palm Creek, when I heard someone at my door. There was Kary Rowland from the ladies sewing group with a very huge cash donation. I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of this group that has been working so hard to provide everyone with masks, and then go above and beyond with this kindness of love. Ladies you are all angels. From the bottom of my heart Thank You So Very Much and God Bless.

Lynn/Dave Reiter
Creekers are a very special breed! Thank you girls!
16 hr ago

Diana Smith
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful and positive story ❤️
16 hr ago

Bonnie & Rollie Sewell
Good to know there is good in Palm Creek Love it there God Bless you Marsha and every thoughtful person there
3 hr ago

Kary Rowland
The PC Sewing & Quilt Guild has been keeping their hands busy making masks for Banner Hospital & ER and many other care related facilities here in Casa Grande. They’ve also made masks for their families, friends and care facilities back in their home States and Provence’s. Last Thursday those guild members still left here in the Park wanted to make masks for Palm Creekers. By 3:30 Thursday afternoon I had over a 100 masks to pass out to those that saw my post on Nextdoor and came by my site. Our residents here are so generous they gave a donation when they got a 😷 mask. The ladies of the guild wanted the donations to go where the need is the greatest. Thank You Palm Creekers. Big hugs to all my Guild Members and a huge Thank You for your gifts of sewing and sharing. You are all simply amazing.

Mary Madeley
ALL of you are just wonderful and not nearly appreciated enough.
2 hr ago

Bernadette Dameron
How wonderful! Thank you for being so thoughtful and Generous.
1 hr ago