
Monday, April 06, 2020

Everybody Waves

We've had a huge response to yesterday's hummingbird photos.  Folks are asking for more info about the little fountain.  Here's information from Tom as to where to buy.

Hi Sue,
I've had a number of folks ask me about the bird bath and the solar fountain...two separate items.

I bought them from Amazon.....

 Pure Garden 50-LG1073 Bird Bath
     Pure resin
    29" high

Madetec Solar Fountain

I've had the both pieces since early 2019 and they have worked flawlessly.  It comes with various fountain heads and at full sun will shoot water about 18".  
I use a  head that shoots about 10" and I fill the birdbath less often.  One has to keep water under the fountain because water is what lubricates the tiny motor.


Palm Creek has always been a friendly community but even more so now with our safe distance rules.  Whenever we meet another golf cart, bike rider, couples out for a stroll, dog walkers, etc. everyone waves a friendly hello.  We're always glad to see a smiling face and friendly greeting.  It's reassuring to know we're all in this together.  I love it when folks go by our site and stop for a quick friendly chat so if you see us out on the patio, stop by to say hello.  That's just what Mac and Kathi did the other night as they were out for a cart ride to celebrate their anniversary.

Sue and Bill Leesen stopped by on their way to the post office to mail a bundle of hand-sewn face masks they are mailing to family back home.  The health control folks are now telling us to wear a mask whenever we're out among the public.  Masks are almost impossible to buy but these homemade items will be fine for the short exposure we need and will save the expensive ones for the front line personnel who desperately need them.

Our Palm Creek mailroom must remain open as it is part of the National Postage system.  To help protect our residents and office staff, a Plexiglas partition has been installed most of the way over the mail room opening.   Good idea for all involved.  It's hard to detect in this photo, but it is there.

*Hint:  Bring your own pen and tape when mailing packages.

The mailroom is now on summer hours which means from 10:00 to 2:00 Monday through Friday.  Closed on Saturdays.


From my house to yours................
Have a great day AND BE SAFE!!