
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Cat Cage, Food Truck, Cactus, Birds

Spring time is definitely nesting season.  This poor mama dove was determined to build her nest in the same place as last year but the home owner had installed multiple spike deterrents.  Mom managed to snuggle down in there anyway even with multiple spikes sticking up under her wings.  She wins a prize for determination.

We don't see many roadrunners these days but this one happened to run across my neighbor's roof carrying a small lizard in its beak.  I couldn't get a good picture but at least it's enough to tell the story.

Our street sweepers are out on rounds keeping our streets clear.

Hummingbirds love to build nests on light wires.  I've seen these nests multiple times over the years.  You would think they'd prefer a steadier platform but the light cords seem to work nicely.  Couldn't get a good picture of the young'uns but there are two safely tucked away in that tiny nest.

The new harness I bought for the cats simply didn't work as they could slide out of them no matter how tight I tried to make them.  I announced that I was next going to buy a cage.  Lo and Behold, Ron Castleman came to the rescue with a cage he has had in storage for a long time.

Kat gets pretty excited when the doves get close to the cage and it makes for good entertainment..........BUT............I'm afraid I've created a monster.  Kat just yells and yells that he wants to go outside now.  He has become very loud and vocal and is no longer content to be indoors.  He's not happy in the cage either as he wants OUT.  Don is not pleased with my decision to try the outdoors and sadly, I agree with him.  BIG mistake to get it started.  Now what do I do??

Found a couple of our landscapers out on their morning weed patrol.  They clear out the weeds from some of the larger open areas.  Looks overwhelming.

But look how lovely it is when they're done.  Spraying and weeding will continue all through the month of May.  Be patient.  

We see cactus in bloom every day now.  Beautiful blossoms.

Mother Nature is determined.  This cactus arm was broken off about three years ago and transplanted in Kathleen's backyard.  It has fallen down and was completely buried under this nearby bush....but it has pushed it's blossoms up to the sunlight.

Even though the stem is broken, the plant still flourishes.  
Our desert plants are TOUGH!

Last night's food truck was another huge success.  I talked with quite a few folks out on our morning tour who raved about the brisket sandwiches and especially the baked beans.  Can't wait to see who visits us next week.

Mary Hanson posted this picture on Nextdoor this morning.  Couldn't resist posting it here.