
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Chorus Show

I don't know how to begin talking about the chorus presentation we attended tonight.  It was the result of many long hours of practice and rehearsals and dedication.  These folks obviously love to sing and share their love of music with fellow choristers PLUS we thank them for sharing their talents with all of us.  

Congratulations to ALL the members who participated in this performance!  In addition to the singers and soloists, there were instrumentalists, technicians, and one fantastic piano player!  They should all be very proud of a job well done!

I especially loved the songs with original lyrics about the joy of living in Palm Creek.  We chatted with other members of the audience.  Our consensus is that we're very proud to live in Palm Creek and truly enjoy living here and sharing our lives with others "our age" who share happy times and tough times.

Another highlight of the evening was when our GM, Scott Houle, was present and directed the audience as we sang "This Land is Your Land".  It's always a pleasure to see Scott (and Marguarite) take part in park events.