
Saturday, February 01, 2020

Cancer Awareness Parade, Balloons and More

It has been a busy fun-filled day with beautiful weather as a bonus.  We awoke to the flutter of activity when the flamingos landed and we got "flocked".

Later I strolled over to the club house and came across the rubber ducky race down the canal.  Luckily all the little ducks were captured before they escaped out into the lake.

Our Bingo event was quite successful.  There were enough players to earn $1000 for the fund!!  What a great way to raise money and have fun at the same time.

Then came the big parade.  Participants either walked, pedaled bikes, or rode carts all around the resort.  That's a long hike!

Thank you to the Vista Grande High School for leading the parade with some marching music.  It's always fun to see the kids in action.

Grand Marshall for the day was Stacie Parrish, Sun Communities Regional Vice President.

It's always fun to see our Management team support our events.  Here is Scott Houle, wife Margurite, and their two children riding with Gabrielle.  

Love the bubble machine! 

Looks like everyone had a good time in spite of the long hike.  Congratulations to all who made it!

After the parade, as evening approached, it was time to head back over to the activities for the balloon glow.

I always enjoy the walk across the golf course.

Sunsets are stunning!! 

 Big balloons could be seen from a good way off.  Three cheers to the pilots who come to display their balloons as I'm sure it is a lot of work to set up and take down.

Thank you, John Winston for this great photo

After a nice cup of chili and a cookie or two, it was time for the walk back home.  It was a nice time to contemplate on the day of fun and also to remember loved ones who have succumbed to the dreaded cancer.  Let's hope our fund raising efforts this weekend help victims and families to cope.