
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Club Expo

Today was a "first" for the Club Expo event and it was a definite success!  Over 30 clubs set up display tables in the ballroom to advertise their club and activities.  It was a great way to advertise our activities and make residents aware of all we had to offer.

A panorama shot of the busy ballroom

It was a BUSY and noisy place due to the traffic of curious visitors.

Poker anyone?

Hiking Club

Wood Shop

Wood Carving

Bike Club

Ukulele Club


Neighborhood Watch Program



Pegs & Jokers, Mexican Train, Swoop


 The Club Expo provided an excellent opportunity for the Freedom RV display.  Eric was happy as he sold several RVs during the weekend.  We thank Freedom RV for being a great sponsor.  They also provide donuts for the Tuesday morning meetings and give nice door prizes.

Jones Auto was also successful as they sold a new car this weekend during the event.