
Monday, January 20, 2020

Bee Gees Tribute & Mouse Report

The concert was FUN last night.  What talented young men!  They had the audience up and dancing plus clapping along till our arms ached.  Great music from "our era".

I would love to have a video featuring the drummer!  He was so fun to watch.


Missing Mouse update:

Mouse is still among the missing.  I want to thank the many many people who stop to ask about his welfare and wish us well in finding him.  We received good tips like leaving out his bed, litter, favorite toy, etc. which we have done to no avail.  One friend brought over a can of sardines to hopefully lure him in and another lady chased us down in the street last night to offer a bag of treats to take along.  Such wonderful residents we have in Palm Creek.  Thank you!  We had several encouraging phone calls last night after the concert saying people had spotted a gray cat with a white face.  Don and I spent a lot of time out searching the potential sightings.....flashlight in hand.

I found the critter that had been spotted.  It is indeed a gray cat with a white face and tummy....but sad to say it isn't Mouse.  This cat had long hair and a big bushy black tail.  I managed to get a photo when he sat down to rest.  Right description except for the long hair.  We shall keep watching.

Here are more photos of Mouse:

From Jeanine Sumption and the Neighborhood Watch Program