
Thursday, December 05, 2019


Thank you to our Palm Creek chorus for a lovely Christmas concert Thursday night.  How fun to see the participants having such a good time sharing their singing and music talents with friends.  

Congratulations to Mary Hansen and Betty Preston for directing a lovely concert.  And....hats off to Judy Tawney for her flute talent in accompanying the singers.  It was a fun evening for a sell out crowd of over 400 appreciative people.


***A side note to the bingo players on Monday nights:  Many know that as a caller, I have a standing joke that if anyone bingos on G55, they have the privilege of taking me to lunch.  Lo and behold, Joy actually did it!  She bingoed on G55 and sure enough, met me after the game and set a date for lunch at the Bistro.  Thank you, Joy!!

We notice the details as Palm Creek continues upgrading the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds around the resort.  We even got some painted trash bins this past week.  Great improvement!

My two furry friends like to cuddle up in the evening but it gets pretty warm when they both keep me company at the same time.

Don has plenty of company when I'm gone during the day.  Doesn't he look thrilled?