
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sewing Room, Mahjong

Mary Williams mentioned that the sewing room is so happy to have their new bathroom installed this summer so I stopped by for some photos.  The park has done so much for all of us this summer!

The room is quite busy already this early in the season.

I'm sure the walls will soon be covered in wall hangings and decorative sewn projects.
Sewers and quilters are grateful for the new addition to their shop.

The new bathroom area was previously used for much needed storage so a new shed was also built this summer.

I hear that Steve Crane did most of the work by making up the plans for the shelving, etc.  Scott Murphy and Jon Baker helped with sheet rock and flooring.

 The shelves were custom built to accommodate the storage boxes.  Every inch is already occupied.

Our Mahjong group is slowly coming back from summer break.  We even had a table of western players on Friday.

Classes are held on Fridays for beginners and those who want more practice.

Another new feature added this summer!  New window blinds.  Yahoo!!

One more week till we turn the calendar to November when more of our events kick into action.

Bingo starts Monday, November 4, 7:00pm
I get the honor of being the first caller.  Fun!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2:00pm is the first Android class.  I'll be assisting Bonnie Sewell to introduce new features of smartphones and tablets.  I've learned so much about my phone and Google photos that I'm anxious to share tips with others.

Wednesday, November 6, 9:30am is the first computer club meeting.  Bring your smart phone along and we'll make it even smarter.  

I'm really looking forward to a fun season!