
Friday, October 04, 2019

Let the Season Begin

A week or so ago I posted this photo of a bare Activities Board because we came to the end of our summer season.

We've turned the calendar page to October and here are results:

Today was a big celebration for opening the main pool after the major renovation of replacing all the concrete with lovely pavers.  We were treated to a nice luncheon on the deck and patio.  VERY nice!  

We also have some new faces on staff.  Say hello to "Susan" who will be greeting us at the front desk.

Another one of the advantages of living in a gated community like Palm Creek is that outside solicitors are not allowed to come knocking on your door to sell items or services.  If you should be bothered by a solicitor (known as a door-to-door salesperson in the old days), just contact the front desk at 520-371-5830 and a ranger will come to approach the vendor.  If after hours, contact the gate house at 520-371-5860.

(**This message is from PC management.)