
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Health Fair, Octoberfest, and Cat Naps

9 a.m. to 1 pm

Be sure to mark your calendar to attend this Health Fair.  With over 20 vendors, there should be some good information......AND it will be a great opportunity to get your flu shot.

Walgreen’s will be providing flu shots during this event.  There are two different strains available:  under 65 and 65+ years old.   We’ve been told that approximately 90% of insurance companies cover the cost of flu shots, and Walgreen’s accepts most major insurance companies.  If you are not covered by insurance, you can pay out-of-pocket at the Health Fair ($35 for under 65, and $57 for 65+).   Please sign up in advance in Activities Office, as only 50 shots will be available. 

There may also be information regarding the sought after CBD products now on the market.


Delicious food, good music, perfect weather .... all provided a great opportunity to mingle with friends as they return to Palm Creek.    Thank you to Marion Nelson and her staff for a lovely afternoon.  They even served us at our tables which added to the success of the event. 

Laundry day at the Heplers.  Don must learn to put his clothes away immediately .... or else.

Both cats have a favorite bed at the top of their cat tree.  Sometimes they share but Kat isn't a fan of sharing.

Kat looks for secluded places where Mouse can't interfere with a cat nap.

No room to snuggle up there.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sewing Room, Mahjong

Mary Williams mentioned that the sewing room is so happy to have their new bathroom installed this summer so I stopped by for some photos.  The park has done so much for all of us this summer!

The room is quite busy already this early in the season.

I'm sure the walls will soon be covered in wall hangings and decorative sewn projects.
Sewers and quilters are grateful for the new addition to their shop.

The new bathroom area was previously used for much needed storage so a new shed was also built this summer.

I hear that Steve Crane did most of the work by making up the plans for the shelving, etc.  Scott Murphy and Jon Baker helped with sheet rock and flooring.

 The shelves were custom built to accommodate the storage boxes.  Every inch is already occupied.

Our Mahjong group is slowly coming back from summer break.  We even had a table of western players on Friday.

Classes are held on Fridays for beginners and those who want more practice.

Another new feature added this summer!  New window blinds.  Yahoo!!

One more week till we turn the calendar to November when more of our events kick into action.

Bingo starts Monday, November 4, 7:00pm
I get the honor of being the first caller.  Fun!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2:00pm is the first Android class.  I'll be assisting Bonnie Sewell to introduce new features of smartphones and tablets.  I've learned so much about my phone and Google photos that I'm anxious to share tips with others.

Wednesday, November 6, 9:30am is the first computer club meeting.  Bring your smart phone along and we'll make it even smarter.  

I'm really looking forward to a fun season!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Bistro and Flowers

Yahoo!!!  Our wonderful Bistro is open once again.  
We enjoyed a very nice lunch out on the patio in absolutely perfect weather.
Have you tried the Palm Creek chicken salad yet?  It's delicious!!

What a great way to have lunch and chat with friends and neighbors as they pass through.

Once these flower beds are tilled and flowers are delivered by the truckload....

planting begins.

What a great result!!  So pretty.

Thank you to our hardworking landscape crew!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Flowers are here

Truckloads of pretty flowers have arrived.

They're getting planted immediately.

The new welcome house is finished and ready for action.

And some things never change.
Kat still can't make it all the way under the door.  

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Balloon Rides

Our resident Palm Creek balloon pilot, John Ross, has returned to the park from summer vacation and brings exciting news.  

We're used to seeing the blue and white sailing over the park as shown here:

 He now has a new balloon even bigger and more colorful. 

John has arranged for 10 (TEN) of his fellow pilots to bring their balloons to our Cancer Awareness weekend.  They will do another colorful night glow on Friday, January 31.  It will be thrilling to see that many balloons right here in our park.  Mark that date on your calendar now as they will definitely be looking for volunteers to assist with the set up.

John will still offer rides this year but mostly just for us Palm Creekers.  He will be available the month of November and then again after the holidays January into April.  You can contact John at Site 433 or through his email at

Here are a few pictures from the recent Albuquerque Balloon Fest:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mr. Boneapart

Our new Social Media person (Sandy Foulks) is conducting a Mr. Boneapart event.  Find Mr. Boneapart, take your photo with him and send it to Sandy.  She will post it on the Palm Creek Facebook page.  Fun!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Work Progress & Opening PB Tournament

Have you seen this nice display behind the sales office?  They've assembled a great viewing area to demonstrate the kind of brick work that can be done around homes in in the park.  

It's easier to make a choice when you can see a true sample.

Our greeters will have a lovely shelter this year to keep them warm during winter season.  
I remember the first time we drove in to Palm Creek and were greeted.  It made a great impression on us.

Work continues on reseeding the golf course.

Seeding time.

Soon the whole course will be this beautiful green.

Hundreds of pounds of extra seeds for those hungry doves.

Today was the opening ceremony for the Military Pickleball Tournament.
A color guard presented the flags for the National Anthem.  I didn't get a photo or the man's name who lead us in the song.  He did a magnificent job with his strong voice.  

The park had a booth to welcome visitors.
Marion Nelson (Special Events Director), Scott Houle, (General Manager) and Marguarite Houle (Sales Manager)

If you heard a lot of strange train whistles this morning, it was the "Big Boy" steam locomotive that is touring the country and made a brief overnight stop in Casa Grande.