
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Seniors Having Summer Fun

  Tapas Tuesday again.  Today's special guests were "the fellas" from our social committee as they presented a skit to advertise the big Trailer Trash party to be held next Tuesday.  

John Mizer, Chip Milner, Denny Miller
 They used Ken for a sign post.

Meanwhile, unrelated to all our local fun, Sun Communities held a special week for all employees.  Monday they were to wear country, today was Neon, tomorrow is hair and socks day.  I caught a few of them on camera and will definitely be back in the office for more tomorrow.

Donna Cox, MaryAnn Brown, Ashley Delgado

Terri Wellman in Activities

Kathy Rahmer, Guest Services

Yesterday we were honored to have two Detectives here as guest speakers to tell us about the notorious Tison Gang that once terrorized Casa Grande and the surrounding area after their famous prison break.

We truly enjoyed hearing from these two as they shared their experience in connection with the events.

A movie was even made regarding the story.

After their presentation, they received a long standing ovation from a very appreciative audience.

Accompanying them was a representative of the police department who is in charge of volunteer services.

It was an outstanding presentation by these professionals.


I can tell that autumn is approaching as the daddy longleg and harvestman spiders are found in every nook and cranny of houses.  They usually congregate near the door handles much to my dismay.

I carry a big duster (Swiffer) and clear the doors before entering.  It doesn't matter if you have monthly pest control or not....spiders are prevalent this time of year.

Daddy-longlegs are generally beneficial. They have a very broad diet that includes spiders and insects, including plant pests such as aphids. Daddy-longlegs also scavenge for dead insects and will eat bird droppings. In the fall, they can become a nuisance when they congregate in large clusters on trees and homes, usually around eves and windows. Additionally they can be found in damp crawl spaces, unfinished basements, and garages. Rarely are daddy-longlegs encountered inside finished, living spaces of homes.

Since daddy-longlegs are beneficial predators and scavengers in nature, control should only be performed when absolutely necessary. The clustering behavior only occurs during the fall and for only a brief period of time. Daddy-longlegs do not   damage   structures   when   they   cluster.  If control is necessary, due to a large number of daddy-longlegs that is considered unpleasant, insecticide sprays labeled for exterior use on spiders can also be applied directly to daddy- longlegs found outdoors. However, in nearly all situations,  chemical  control  is  not  necessary.  Most daddy-longlegs can be removed from structures with a vacuum or broom.


I end today's post with two more photos of our beautiful park.