
Thursday, August 08, 2019

Laundromat News & Recycling Changes

A reader asked me what it cost for a load of laundry now that the new company has taken over the laundry machines here in the resort.  I put on my detective hat and stopped in the main laundry this morning to get an answer.

Wow!  The room is immaculate and the AC felt wonderfully cool in there.  ALL brand new machines just waiting for our residents to return.

This sign announcing the new contractor is near the front door.  This company will be doing all the servicing from now on.  I bet our maintenance staff is rejoicing.

These instructions are posted in several areas announcing that we can now pay with our phones.  Download the PayRange app, add funds to your account, and then just slide to pay. can use quarters.

It costs $1.75 per washer load.

Each machine is clearly numbered.

Dryers are all brand new.  There are two old machines in the back of this area for use by our housekeeping department.

It costs $1.50 per dryer load.

I'm guessing there are assigned machines in the South and North laundry buildings for washing of pet articles....blankets and bedding.


New bins arrived this week.

This big container will be for plastic, tin, and paper.

**When we recycle plastic there are a few useful tips to remember to speed up the process.
First, keep in mind that almost all plastic bottles and food containers can be recycled. When we recycle these containers it is important to wash them or shake them out to reduce the amount of food waste that is being sent to the recycling center [5].
Second, remove the screw caps from any bottles you are recycling. The caps are made from a different type of plastic than the bottle. If we do not remove them they must be removed by employees at the recycling center before they can be processed [6].
Both of these tips will reduce the amount of work and energy required in the recycling process.

Corrugated still goes in this container and gets compacted in the machine behind the container.

cardboard-boxes shipped commercially are recovered for recycling. ... When recycledcardboard is used to make chipboard like cereal boxes, paperboard, paper towels, tissues and printing or writing paper.>

I believe one of the local schools is collecting #1 plastic so this container is still present.


As to our weather, this is an unusual summer.   We haven't had the typical summer storms or haboobs that we normally experience in July and August.  I'm not complaining you understand, but weather has been quite mild.  HOT...but mild as far as storms are concerned.

We get some cloudy days but the rain tends to hang over Phoenix.  We like the occasional cloud cover as it protects us from the sun for a few hours.

The golf course is still quite green and hasn't been scorched or dried out so golfers are still out there in the early morn.

I laughed when I read this cartoon in the paper this week.  The artist must live in Arizona!