
Thursday, August 29, 2019

First Monsoon Storm of the Summer

I had to laugh when Avis Gray sent me these photos as the time stamp was identical to the photos I took up at the Cottonwood pool.  We were both taking sky photos at the same time.  We were obviously excited to have our first monsoon rain storm of the summer.

From Avis:

Terri Wellman and I were up at the Cottonwood pool for our evening swim.  We watched the sky closely and decided we'd better head for home.

I really really LOVE this pool.

Scott Honodel was out with his camera too.  Here's his contribution.  It looks like the sky is going to collapse!

Don and I sat out on the patio to watch the show.  It was awesome!  No heavy wind so there shouldn't be any damage.  Just wonderful much needed rain!