
Friday, July 19, 2019

Ice Cream Social & Acrylic Pour Class

Our staff from Activities sponsored a free ice cream event this week.  Yum!  Say thank you to our servers!
MaryAnn Brown, Terri Wellman, Ashley Delgado

Had to laugh when the Schwan's delivery man came to the door.  I thought I had a large watch but his is higher tech.

Interesting story in the Dispatch last week.

14 eager students attended an acrylic pour class with Julie Baker instructing.
Julie opened a can of paint with her teeth.  Can you tell?

Chip Milner with his creation.

Laurie Dale working on her southwest acrylic pour.

Kathy Ramer hiding behind her creation.

Julie Wolf's bird.

Next month our crafters will be doing beaded serving utensils.  Sign up starts Tuesday at our weekly Tapas event.  (Photos by Barb Poole)

Oh how true!!