
Saturday, July 06, 2019

July 4 Celebration

 Over 100 people attended our July 4 celebration!!

Thank you to Natalie and Lori for setting up.

Hats were required for attendance.

After dinner, those hats were important for the musical hats game.

Sometimes you wound up with two hats....

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

and sometimes you tried to share!

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

 I'm including a lot of photos so you can zoom in to see which of your neighbors and friends are still here.  AND....the family back home can see how much fun we're having.

Jeff Vaughn at work

Natalie lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Bob Debonville was in charge of calling us to the chow line.  Instead of the usual call by table numbers, he started us off by calling for retired veterans and then by branches of the military followed by first responders.  It was a nice way to honor those who have actively served our country.

 Here's a couple more photos from fellow resident Jeff Vaughn, Photography.

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

Photo by Jeff Vaughn

Back at home, I'm wondering if I need to invest in childproof locks for the cupboards.