
Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Green Belt Revision

Green Belt Rule Change

Management has issued a change of plans for the Green Belt path.  Signs will be removed and disposal boxes will be put back where they were.  Watch for a flyer in your mailbox.  Here is the letter from management:


Pet Access to the Green Belt

After careful consideration of all of the issues surrounding Pet access to the walkway through the Green Belt, we have decided to rescind the recent decision to bar Pet access to this area.

Having said this, however, we wish to remind everyone of the following:

 The Green Belt is not a pet run. There are a dozen or so pet runs
throughout the resort, so we ask that you allow your pet to take care of nature before visiting the Green Belt.

 Residents have their homes along this Green Belt. Please respect people’s property and prevent your pet from leaving the Green Belt area and wandering on to a site for any reason.

 Normal pet rules apply. Your Pet must be kept on a leash as per the Pet Policy. In the event that your pet does take care of business while walking, please clean up after them promptly.

As long as everyone respects the purpose of this walkway through the Resort, and follows the rules that apply to Pets, we all should be able to enjoy this feature and hopefully not have to reconsider this issue in the future.

Thanks to all for your cooperation in this matter.

