
Friday, June 14, 2019

Coyote Chase!

Exciting news today!  Don and I spotted a coyote running down the street on Granite so we followed after him in an attempt to get a picture.  It was a fun I should say as he's pretty fast and "wily."

I finally found the fast series button on my camera so got a rapid succession of photos as he crossed a yard and street.  Pictures are a tad blurry but I was in a fast moving golf cart on zoom lens.

Mr. Coyote did stop long enough to for a potty break.  I didn't get a picture of the event but here's a  close up of the aftermath.  

Now.............before people start getting in a dither and complaining about lack of security and how the park should be protecting us from wild animals, etc etc ... remember that the homeowners in Phoenix and Tucson keep posting pictures of how easily a coyote can leap over a tall fence or wall.  If the animals want inside the walls, they will find a way.  

It was a FUN chase while it lasted.  We lost sight of him over near the pickleball courts.  He will do his best to avoid people.

**Proof that not every pile is from a thoughtless dog owner.