
Friday, May 31, 2019

Typical Work Day

I like to keep posting photos of all the work that continues here on a daily basis.  So many details to track and so much planning to do.  Overseeing all of this is a monumental task with over 300 acres and over 2000 sites plus all the buildings and facilities.

We saw a maintenance cart with two hard-working young men out pulling weeds and picking up tree debris.

Then later the weed spray vehicles were out spraying the green pre-emergent stuff to keep the weeds down.

Our maintenance department also has been replacing water lines and valves at several sites around the park.  

A new air conditioner was installed over Building C.

Scott was busy replacing a light fixture by the Admin building.

Work safely up there, Scott.  :)

Speaking of water valves.  This is a great way for some of you home owners to fix that troublesome tiny plastic handle that frequently gets broken on your inside water shut off valve.  Should be an easy fix and will make shut off a lot easier.

Weed control is almost impossible....even when you install artificial turf.  I carry gloves with us on our morning rounds and try to pull the big weeds in front of houses to do our share in keeping the park looking beautiful.

This corner looks empty now that all the flowers are gone.
They just don't last through the hot summer.

Lots of work but plenty of time to play.  Thank you to Amazing Dental for another free movie.  More than 100 creekers attended the  showing of "A Dog's Journey".

Cat is the jumper in our family.  He frequently perches up here to get away from Mouse and his never ending antics.  Maybe I can train him to dust while he's up there??