
Friday, May 03, 2019

Cottonwood Pool

Let's call it the "Cottonwood Pool".  

We have the sports pool, the main pool, what we call the little north pool, and now the Cottonwood pool.  I understand there is more testing with the gas line and/or water before it can open.  Water temp is only 50 at this stage.  Brrrr.

The building is really lovely.  There is a nice big meeting room - dining room and a full kitchen.  Very nice!

The bathrooms are all-in-one units with private shower stalls.

There are two laundry areas with connections for washers & dryers.

Will keep you posted when the facility is ready and open.


I have to laugh at this persistent dove.  She managed to find a spot within the bird spikes to build her nest again this year..  Actually, it looks like the spikes might be helping to hold the nest in place.

Thursday afternoon in the Adobe Room.  Lots of folks still having fun.  Dominoes, Pegs & Jokers, and Samba being played.  Activity up there every afternoon and almost every night with poker.  FUN!
