
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Casa Grande Update

Today's Casa Grande Dispatch had an informational testimonial from the city Mayor regarding the status of the major proposed projects we've been hearing about.  If you click on each article, you should be able to enlarge it for reading.

Phoenix Mart:

Lucid Motors:

Sam's Club Property

Dreamport Villages (Proposed Multi-Million Dollar Amusement Park)


Another newsworthy item from the RC Flying field.  About 30% of their members are Palm Creek enthusiasts.

Don doesn't need Dreamport Villages for entertainment.  He slips on those goggles and can fly anywhere in the world he wants to be. 

I watched this man busy at work sweeping gravel from the curbs back onto the lots.

His cart looks like he's also picking up debris from the trees and, in general, working hard to keep our resort looking its best.