
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

The toads are out

Cactus blossoms are starting to appear.  Check the beauty at 1926.  Although by the time you get over there, the blossoms will probably be gone as they don't stay very long.  Beautiful color!

What an awesome golf cart!!  Donna Keay owns this beauty.  No more plastic curtains to zip open or closed.....and this machine is actually air conditioned, has a heater, and a radio, and is still all electric.  Wow!  I think it wins first prize.

Mouse keeps me company while I work on the blog.

Sleeping very soundly!

I can hear the Sonoran desert toads in all their glory way over at my house at night.  They are VERY loud for such little critters.  Hard to get a good photo with  cell phone plus handling the flashlight.

I took a short video so you could get a sense of how LOUD they are.  I couldn't focus the camera enough to see a frog but you can certainly hear them.

We had a water outage for a few hours this week due to an emergency water line break.  Crews had us back on line as soon as possible.  Thanks guys!  That was no small job!

P.S.  Thank you to the lady that posted the outage alert on Nextdoor.