
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tapas Tuesday and Summer Events

We have a committee of volunteers who are organizing some events to keep our annual residents occupied and entertained during summer.   We send a special thank you to the Organizers:  Barb Poole and Glo Mason, Ken and Julie Wolf, Chip and Sandy Milner, John and Suzanne Mizner.

Every Tuesday, we'll be attending Tapas Tuesday which has turned out to be quite a meal each week.  Tonight there were 88 residents in attendance.

There were just a "few" announcements for the upcoming month:

May 1            Suzanne Mizner starting Bible study group on the book of James
May 1            Beginning poker lessons for Texas Hold'em
May 3            Reminder that food trucks will be present at the  city gathering downtown
May 4            Card bingo meets every Saturday night 
May 5            Cinco de Mayo sponsored by Amazing Dental
May 7            Reminder of Tapas Tuesday every Tuesday 4:00 in SanTan room
May 13           Free coffee and donuts.  (get tickets from front     desk)
May 17          Suzanne Mizner is offering a silk scarf painting     class
May 18           Group trip to Kitt Observatory in Tucson
May 20           Breakfast club at Cotton House in Arizona City
May 25           Casino bus trip
May 30           Free movie by Amazing Dental "Dogs Journey"   (get tickets at front desk now)
May 31           Shopping trip to Chandler

Work is being done to organize a craft beer info meeting (and, hopefully, tasting!)
Working on a trip to the Dwarf Car Museum
Organizing a bowling group

Here's looking forward to a BUSY summer.

While we were at the event, a sudden storm passed through showing residents how fast and unexpected our summer weather can be.  Winds were strong enough to blow over the stop sign at the end of our street.  Sure hope those bursts stay away from our house this summer!!!

I spotted this on Nextdoor this morning.  The storm may have been a small taste of what is to come with summer storms?  Yikes!  

In addition to all the events listed above, we also maintain all our normal activities like Mahjong, Swoop, Dominos, and other games.

Summer schedule says Mahjong meets on Mondays and Fridays but today (Tuesday) we had two fun tables also.

Beautiful flowers in bloom at Ray & Cheri Norsted's at 1717.  (Special message to Ray and Cheri:  You went home a few weeks too soon!)

Avis sent some pretty photos she captured on Granite.