
Saturday, April 27, 2019

New Pool

WOW!!  The new pool and facilities are almost ready to open.  We stopped by this morning for a quick view.  It's beautiful.  I'm guessing we'll hear an announcement soon.

I saw this announcement on Nextdoor this morning.  We're going to have some great swimming opportunities this summer!

The BIG palm trees by the admin buildings are already getting their trim.  Anyone want to volunteer for that job?  Yikes!

Spotted these pretty little white flowers on a very small cactus plant. Don groans when I pause for another flower photo but I do so enjoy them and so do many of our readers.

It will be fun watching these two stems rise to the sky over the next couple weeks.

I hear Calgary and some of our mid-western states are expecting more snow.  Oh well.  What can I say??  Here is our forecast from today's newspaper.