
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Summer Tickets

The summer Happenings is already on line.  Here's a link for you:  Happenings Newsletter

I stopped in the Activities Office to sign up for most of the upcoming events.  Just when I thought my calendar would clear up, there is more to come.

Those of you fellow desert rats that stay here during the heat of summer, can stop at the office to get your tickets for upcoming events.

Don and I enjoy our short morning walk over to the bridge to watch the birds.  It's refreshing and enjoying to watch the action.  Also love the sound of a babbling brook.  Mallard duck was munching on fresh moss from the bottom, male grackle stopped by for a cool drink, and Mrs. Grackle indulged in a quick bath.rel=0

The black-capped night heron stood watch for a fresh breakfast.