
Saturday, January 05, 2019


I just received a copy of the January Activities Sheet and see that they did not include SWOOP on Wednesdays. Add it to your calendar for Wednesdays in the Adobe Room. Swoop is an easy and FUN game to learn. Our intent on Wednesdays is to have open play and encourage newcomers to join us. Therefore, we request that no one start playing or set up tables until exactly 12:30. You can come early to chat and get acquainted but play does not start until AFTER 12:30. That way any newcomer who walks in will be included at a table and we can even up the number of players. This is a great way to meet new people and learn a fun social game. Our purpose is to have FUN with a game for newcomers to participate.


Our Mahjong group is growing. Want to learn to play? Join our western play group. Start with the western version as it is easy to learn. Then quickly switch to the National game which is played world wide.