
Monday, January 14, 2019

Mahjong Update

Just sending this update to our fellow Mahjong players:

Mahjong play is still scheduled for Tuesdays and Fridays at 12:30 plus Thursday nights at 6:30.  No western players are come on Thursday nights so far so be sure to invite fellow players if you plan to attend.

We will be sponsoring a booth at the Welcome Back Party on Friday, January 25.  Stop by to say hello.

Our Christmas party proved to be so much fun that we've scheduled more parties for future dates.  Mark your calendars for Friday, February 15, to celebrate Valentine's Day.  Our theme is Sweets for the Sweet so bring cookies or your favorite dessert.  Please keep it all finger food to accommodate play at the tables.  If your treat is a homemade recipe, please bring the recipe printed on a 3/5 card.  Then if anyone wants the recipe, they can take a picture of your card with their cell phone.  Should be fun.  We'll also dream up some games and prizes.

Thank you to Elaine Moore for ordering us some cool dragon stickers to put on our PC name tags.  We're proud to be Mahjong players!

We're asking all players to please donate $2 to our official fund.  That will pay for party supplies, stickers, and any other expenses we incur throughout the entire season.  We'll have a donation bucket on game days.

We all enjoy having one or two floaters available during game play.  That way we get to mix tables and meet with different players.  The only problem we encounter is some people want to play for money and others don't.  We ask you to be flexible and allow a non-money player to join your table but be excluded from the money payouts.  That will help floaters be able to move throughout the room.

Because it is very time consuming, we will no longer try to maintain a roster on a separate Mahjong website.  Instead, we encourage you to use Nextdoor and click on the Mahjong group.  All members are listed there and you can private message them without having to maintain a roster.  Let's let Nextdoor do the work for us.

We're organizing a gift basket to donate to the Cancer Awareness silent auction.  Bring a small hand crafted item or other appropriate item to include in our large basket.  i.e., personal care products, bottle of wine, scented candles, wrapped candy or snack items, small household tools?  Bring your item on game days this week.

We are a growing enterprise with new people joining us regularly.  Therefore, the room can get a bit NOISEY with so many people.  Let's remind ourselves to "use our indoor voices" as mother used to say or "put a limit" on the noise.  😀

We're hoping to have an end of season party on March 22 celebrating with a pot luck luncheon and, hopefully, an outdoor event at one of the park pavilions.  

Have a great day and may the Jokers be with you.