
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Red Solo Cup

Good Morning, Arizona!!

The weather is "perfect" for our big Solo Cup festival today.

The band "Hillbilly Deluxe" did an excellent job of keeping us entertained with their high energy country/rock music.

Couldn't have asked for better weather.
Over 650 tickets sold for lunch.

Thank you to the Robin Perry and the kitchen crew for the good meal.
Sloppy joes and Robin's special coleslaw. Yum!

Amazing Dental was really dressed for the occasion.

Saturday night in the Adobe Room.  Most of our houses aren't really big enough to comfortably play cards with a group of 6 or more but we can head up to the clubhouse to play.  Looks like quite a few groups had the same idea.   

Say hello to a couple newcomers at the front desk.
Victoria Unger (left) and Sandra Hopson (right).  Welcome aboard!
Jan Dickie at center is NOT new and has been a valuable employee for several years.


We have two identical cat trees both in front of a window but for some reason, Kat and Mouse like to wrestle to determine who gets this one.