
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Welcome to October

Turning the calendar page to October has made a drastic change here.  No more triple digits!  In fact, Don is wearing his blue jeans to stay warm on these chilly mornings at low 60s temps.  We have a second cup of coffee before doing our morning rounds so the weather has time to warm up before we go out there.

AND......the weather man said this has been the wettest October in history!  We have had several days of beautiful lovely rain.  The nice steady kind of rain with no wind or storms.  Pickleball people and golfers may not appreciate it, but it has been wonderful for our parched desert.

The rain may have delayed work on the golf course though.  Some seeding is done but there's lots of work still to do.  We saw landscapers hoeing the flower beds this morning and we always look forward to the new flower beds.....although our cactus still bring forth some lovely blooms.

Our residents are returning in droves so there much more activity.  Powerwash and cleaning people are heavily booked.  The activities office opened yesterday so the place was busy with folks anxious to pick up their tickets for the season events.

Ashley Delgado faces the challenge of being Activities Manager this year and MaryAnn Brown has moved her office over to the Pro Shop.  Be sure to stop in and say hello.


I must take a moment to say a BIG thank you to Pat LaFleur for the wonderful gift she made for me this summer.  WOW!!!  She said she follows my blog and enjoys the stories about Kat and Mouse.  Thank you, Pat, for a wonderful thoughtful gift.  

Now I have to find a "safe" place to hang this.