
Saturday, September 08, 2018

Testing Video

I've been having trouble with my Gmail account as I couldn't find some previous messages I had sent.  I researched and googled for an answer to no avail.  Then I remembered Chris Guld and her "Geeks on Tour" website so I went to her forum and asked for help.

WOW!  She introduced me to a new program called "Zoom" where we were actually like Facetime on our computers and with a click of a button she could also see my screen.  Within two minutes she solved my dilemma and showed me what I was doing wrong.

Later I scanned through her classes and stumbled on one about embedding a video on a blog.  It sounded interesting so thought I'd give it a try here.  I dislike watching a video on my blog that later takes you straight to YouTube for other videos.  This new embedding process should solve that.

Mouse probably doesn't appreciate me showing this again, but I like it.  Here's a BIG special thank you to Chris and Jim for their help.