
Friday, September 28, 2018

RC Club needs help

I received an email from Alan Friedman with the RC Flyers group asking for help.

Could you please help pass the work as we need some help this Saturday at the Casa Grande RC Flyers field.



Your Help Is Needed.
Things are progressing rapidly at The Casa Grande RC Flyers airfield. The storage unit was delivered last Monday and this Saturday the steal for our sun shades will arrive the installation of our two 20' X 10" sun shades will start. We need your help.

If you have some time this Saturday morning September 29th, please join Nancy and I at the field about 9:30 AM. We could use help with several projects. You do not have to be a club member to help us. Below is what we plan on doing and what is needed to complete the jobs.

Assembling the two shelves to be used in the storage shed. Please bring a screw driver and pliers.

Leveling the storage units. Please bring something to use as shims and a jack (farm jack preferred) and a level.

Cutting some weeds by the car track. Please bring a pointed edge shove and a trash bag.

Helping unload the galvanized steel for the sun shaded material. Please bring some gloves.

Helping set the sun shade supports in concrete. Please bring gloves and a level.

Replacing the trailer hitch coupler on the field roller. Please bring socket wrench and pliers.

Moving the location of the field roller. If you have a car with a receiver hitch, please bring it.

Move some outside stored items to the inside of the storage unit. Gloves required.

General field clean-up. Please bring a trash bag.

Nancy and I should get there about 9:30 AM. Your help would be appreciated so please try to attend. If you are in town, please try your best to come and help us. Hope to see you Saturday. If not a member, directions to the field are at


Alan Friedman,
President Casa Grande RC Flyers
Academy Of Model Aeronautics Associate Vice President.