
Friday, September 28, 2018

RC Club needs help

I received an email from Alan Friedman with the RC Flyers group asking for help.

Could you please help pass the work as we need some help this Saturday at the Casa Grande RC Flyers field.



Your Help Is Needed.
Things are progressing rapidly at The Casa Grande RC Flyers airfield. The storage unit was delivered last Monday and this Saturday the steal for our sun shades will arrive the installation of our two 20' X 10" sun shades will start. We need your help.

If you have some time this Saturday morning September 29th, please join Nancy and I at the field about 9:30 AM. We could use help with several projects. You do not have to be a club member to help us. Below is what we plan on doing and what is needed to complete the jobs.

Assembling the two shelves to be used in the storage shed. Please bring a screw driver and pliers.

Leveling the storage units. Please bring something to use as shims and a jack (farm jack preferred) and a level.

Cutting some weeds by the car track. Please bring a pointed edge shove and a trash bag.

Helping unload the galvanized steel for the sun shaded material. Please bring some gloves.

Helping set the sun shade supports in concrete. Please bring gloves and a level.

Replacing the trailer hitch coupler on the field roller. Please bring socket wrench and pliers.

Moving the location of the field roller. If you have a car with a receiver hitch, please bring it.

Move some outside stored items to the inside of the storage unit. Gloves required.

General field clean-up. Please bring a trash bag.

Nancy and I should get there about 9:30 AM. Your help would be appreciated so please try to attend. If you are in town, please try your best to come and help us. Hope to see you Saturday. If not a member, directions to the field are at


Alan Friedman,
President Casa Grande RC Flyers
Academy Of Model Aeronautics Associate Vice President.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Potter's Christmas Party

Our pottery addicts have been busy beavers.

This summer during July they had Saturday workshops where they made angels, snowmen, Christmas ornaments, and nativities. Yesterday they decorated for Christmas and showed off their projects now that they have been glazed and fired in the studio kilns.
Photos by Julie Wolf

Thank you to the monitors/instructors Suzette Taylor and Julie Wolf for volunteering so much time.  The group has had a really fun summer and is getting ready to close for October break in a week. The studio will open back up in early November,  date to be announced. 

Julie and Suzette in the Santa hats.
Julie also captured some great photos of last Wednesday's rain storm.  
DURING the storm:

NIGHT after the storm


Friday, September 21, 2018


Wow!! That was OVER a full inch of rain on Wednesday!  That's the most we had at one rainfall in a long long time.  No bad damage anywhere but plenty of flooded streets.  The empty lot next to Wal-Mart looks like a real lake.  

#2 Fairway has its own lake for a while now too.

Sunken courts at pickleball will take a while to drain.

I found a new bug/bee/insect to add to my nature list.  These pretty colorful wasps were found in a light fixture this morning.

Very distinctive markings on their backs.

They build a paper nest like this.

Crews are still working on Sandy Desert Drive where that water main leak occurred earlier.

I sent Don out in the muddy street for the pictures while I comfortably waited for him.


Meanwhile....back home the cats are waiting for us.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


The most exciting news this week is that we had over a full inch of rain yesterday!!  Henness and Cottonwood were both flooded up over the curbs.  TV crews even came to Casa Grande to video the heavy rain.  For once we didn't get missed.  All other storms this summer seemed to break up and go around us so this rain was very welcomed.

I loved this picture in the paper of a man shielding his little girl from the rain as they left the grocery store.  Cute!!

I snapped a few photos along Florence Blvd. while out on errands this morning.

Monsoon season officially ends September 30.  How exciting to see a forecast that is NOT triple digits.  

I reckon many of you are getting ready to return to our desert paradise soon.  The golf course is getting ready for its annual scalping and reseeding so if you live on the golf course, be prepared for some dust.  First they finish trimming the palm trees out on the course.

Then comes the scalping....or thatching...whatever the process is called.

This has been a great harvest for spiders so be prepared for the webs on doors, windows, and siding.  I carry a big duster with me when we visit all our housewatch customers.

I highly recommend a power wash job before your arrival to get rid of these pesky creatures.  Better call ahead of time though because Maldonado and the other companies are very busy this time of year.
 I copied this out of our approved vendor list.

Another frequently asked question is "how do I get my internet turned back on".  This is the set of instructions in the welcome back package.  Maybe it will help?
The secret for the Canadians is that you must use a US phone.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mud Dauber & Heron

Mud Dauber:  On September 7, we discovered this mud dauber nest on the doorway of a house we watch.  

On September 10 we returned to that house and found the exit holes where the new daubers have left their nice protective home.  

I find these insects fascinating because of the nests they construct.  Anything that helps rid us of ugly spiders is a friend of mine.  Want to read more?  Here's a link:  Mud Dauber Information

Sure is a skinny one!


Remember this picture of the water main break in September 2017?

Looks like that same line may have another weak spot.
.  Mark, Eddie, and Vicki were checking it out this morning.

Thank you to Lynne Rogers for sending me this photo of the Great Blue Heron perched atop one of our street lights.  BIG bird.

Photo by Kent Evans

Kat just hopped up on the desk and gave me this ball.  I think he wants to play now.