
Monday, August 13, 2018

Stormy Weather

You may be hearing on the national weather about the big rain and wind storms we're having.  Those heavy rains are definitely NOT here.  Phoenix and surrounding area gets severe weather but we are relatively mild in comparison with mostly just more dust and dirt.  Haven't found any damages in the park other than a few sun screens and tipped over pots.  

We had plenty of thunder and lightning last night but only a light amount of rain.  We awoke this morning to a mild 75 degrees!!  Almost jacket weather for us.  LOL  It felt wonderful but quickly rose once the sun came out by 9:00.

It looks like we have a rather pleasant week ahead of us.

I can tell that we're getting close to fall because the spider webs are appearing on doors and houses we watch.  Time to start carrying a spider brush with us.  The daddy long legs and harvestman spiders just love door ways for some reason so I need to sweep them away before entering.