
Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Summer Action

Thank you to Amazing Dental for a fun day at the movies. There were over 90 of us at Harkins theatre to watch the movie "Tag".  

We also received a goody bag with a cute pen, tablet, and box of candy.  

Cute little souvenirs.  Thank you, Andrea.  
The fuzzy hair serves as a screen cleaner.

Before the show, Andrea addressed several questions about the dental service and said she would present a seminar for us next month.  She also plans another show for September.

Chalk marks are scattered all throughout the park in preparation for road repair.

Repairs and maintenance are a never ending story.
Thank you to Sun Communities for keeping our park so well maintained.

Awwww........couldn't resist taking Mouse's picture as he curled up for a nap while I was playing a computer game.  Having cats is sooooo entertaining.