
Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I'd call our current weather a "drizzle" but at least it is some moisture for our arid desert.  We watched the news last night and saw that the town of Florence had flash floods with knee deep water in some streets.  Not here though.  Still just a drizzle for us.  LOL  It turns our dirt into mud and makes it a little harder to wash away.  It's a main source of entertainment to see what the weather brings us next.  A respite from the heat is very welcomed!!

Phoenix got a lot more than we did.

Avis Gray, Diane Reese and I braved the drizzle and went to the American Legion to play bingo last night.  Avis and Diane both got to yell "BINGO" but I shall just sulk and wait for another day.

Just a reminder about our hard caliche soil.  This landscaper has been chiseling away for two days with a jackhammer to cut a trench for water line.  


We lost our patio roof but the hummingbird feeder is still here to entertain the cats (and the finches).