
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Birds and Cats

With no major construction around here this summer, it gets hard to find newsworthy items for the blog.  There are new homes popping up daily in the north 40 but I'll push Don out there to get some Maverick video soon.  He keeps using the excuse that the drone doesn't fly at over 104 degrees but he should still have an early morning before 9:00 to hit that 104.  Yup.  It's HOT here in summer.

The birds keep us entertained, however.  We were excited to see Mom and Dad quail on the patio yesterday......and they brought their youngster along with them.  Only one baby with them though which is not a good sign as they usually can hatch up to a dozen at a time.  They sure are cute!

Our small flower bed in front of the house is obviously the perfect place for the baby doves to congregate while they wait for their Mom to hunt dinner.  There are three babies taking refuge there.

I only got pictures of two at a time but look what happens when Mom shows up with dinner!

Link to YouTube:

All the outside activity keeps the cats very entertained and they run from window to window to follow the action.

Since we lost our nice shady roof, I tend to keep some of the blinds closed to block out the intense sunshine.  Mouse doesn't like that!!

And it sometimes makes him very crabby.

Kat likes to chill out sometimes and watch kitty TV.  He enjoys the cat and dog shows and will sit for long periods of time in his favorite TV position.

Earlier this week I spotted a vulture resting in the shade out on the golf course.  He was maybe waiting for an overheated golfer???

I couldn't get very close as he took off right away.  BIG birds.

In summary, all is well here.  No major storms lately and, unfortunately, no significant rain either.  We still have fun though as groups gather up in the Adobe room for cards almost every afternoon.

Have a GREAT day and enjoy your cool breezes for me.