
Thursday, June 07, 2018

This Week

Palm trees (all 2700+) are getting a trim during the next several weeks.

Not a pleasant task!  The trees with flowers blossoming are loaded with bees and bugs and pollen.  What an adventure!

The clean up  process must seem never ending as load after load is hauled over to the dumpster area where it gets piled up, then loaded into the garbage truck and hauled to the landfill.  

Andrea with Amazing Dental sponsored a coffee and donut session for us this week.  Always fun to get together with the summer residents.

There's a funny story about the ceramic piggy banks.  Andrea's assistant was asked to get little table trinkets for the Cinco de Mayo celebration here.  She inadvertently ordered these piggy banks thinking they would fit the bill.  Whoops.  Now Andrea has over 70 excess piggy banks.

She held a cute raffle prize today.  This is the cute piggy I originally won.....until a competitor won "taking rights".

I wound up with the plain pink piggy bank without the cute painted flowers.....but it came with $25 for Olive Garden so I am NOT complaining.  Thank you to Andrea for ANOTHER nice event.

  Amazing Dental will be back next month with another huge surprise for us summer residents.  Wait for the announcement in a couple days.

Ron St. Pierre has been an avid RC flyer here and is now very active with the Casa Grande group.  They had a nice press release this week.

Casa Grande RC Flyers presented to the students of the Palo Verde "Drone - Summer Of STEM" program

Ron St. Pierre flew a drone and a 3-D fixed wing aircraft for the students.

Readers ask me:  "So what's new with your cats?"

Well.........they seem to be mellowing down from their wild kitten antics.  Kat curls up under Don's computer station.  The two of them spend endless hours there during the day.

Kat is curled up under all the cords snuggled in where its nice and warm.

I found Mouse just sprawled across the living room floor where he's cooling down.

I like having cats!!

Ours are well trained and very studious.  
They've learned their lessons well.