
Friday, June 15, 2018

Movie Night & Ice Cream

It was HOT already at 5:03 in the morning yesterday!  Too warm to have coffee out on the patio.  Monsoon season officially starts June 17.  It will be interesting to see what Mother Nature brings us this summer.

Movie night in the Santan Room brought out quite a few residents. 

Most of us were there for the ice cream treat before the movie.  They even had Ashley's husband there to assist with Sundae preparation.

Folks were having fun even while waiting in line.


Be prepared for a shocker!!

A mama scorpion tried crawling under a door to get in a house when she still had babies clutching to her back.  She not only got stuck on a glue pad but so did a myriad of her babies.  Glad the whole crew didn't get past the guard.  Yikes!!


Kat and Mouse love the challenge to get a treat....especially if they're on the other side of the door.

Watch how Kat managed to get the last treat that was just out of reach for Mouse.