
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Flowers arriving!

It's always exciting to see the first truckload of flowers arrive each fall.  It's proof positive that we're truly getting ready for "the season".  

We're always happy to see the flowers arrive but I wonder how our landscapers feel about it as it means hours of back and knee pain while they plant them all.  Anyway........we thank them for the pretty flower gardens we get to enjoy.

I want some of these yellow ones as they truly attract the butterflies!

Palm Park is turning green.

It looks so inviting to run barefoot through the mist of sprinklers.

The pull through area is busy this morning.

If you plan to have your RV or your park model washed before you arrive, I highly recommending making an appointment NOW as everyone of our vendors are busy around the park these days.

This crew is digging a path to the bistro and pro shop to run more underground lines.



We bought this really nice luxurious cat bed for our dear Mouse.
Notice that it still remains empty and unused.

Here's where I found him sleeping this morning.  
Nothing like napping in the litter box!!

I think our cat needs a psychiatrist.