
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Beautiful Rain!!

Finally...............we had just a regular NICE thunderstorm with beautiful pleasant rain and NO wind or dirt.  Don and I sat at the back of our golf cart under the awning and just watched the rain.  I was soooo nice.

Nice big rain drops that bounced and made bubbles in the puddles.  Some of you from different parts of the country may think this is boring but when you live in the desert, it is a real treat.

I received a nice note from Jim Dawson this week thanking Don for the very informative video from the north 40 area.  He appreciates Don's updates on the blog as he obviously can't be here everyday to watch the progress.  Jim said the north 40 project (which he calls Phase 3B and 3C) is right on track and is scheduled to be completed by December 30.  


Mouse has recovered from his recent "snip snip surgery" at the Animal Hospital.  Last night he discovered he could sneak up on the end table next to Don and play with the chains he found there.  How long do you think the lamp will last??


Do you have any fishermen in the family??  Show them this video for some laughs.