
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Another Haboob!

The storm tonight was the fourth one in the past week .... and it was also the strongest.  We recorded wind gusts up to 37 miles per hour.

As soon as the wind and dirt receded, Don and I drove out to check on the houses we watch.  I'm VERY happy to report that we didn't find any damage to any of our customers.  There were a few others that lost some skirting or sun screens but nothing serious.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here you go.  I took these from my kitchen window.

Couldn't even see more than a block away.

Don, on the other hand, stayed outside to get live video for you.  He says the video is jumpy because he couldn't see very well.  I believe him!  HA

Not a drop of rain in this storm though.  Just dirt....and lots of it.
The streets were littered with debris from the trees.

It was a little sandy over on Granite too.  Our landscape and maintenance crews will be busy on Monday.