
Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Pro Shop layout

Yellow caution tape has been placed around the site for the proposed proshop.

Little red flags indicate all the sprinkler heads and lines that need to be removed.  Eddie will be taking out the electrical lines to the tree spotlights.

Work continues rapidly at getting rid of the old fencing.

I was wondering what they would do with all these old posts.  This gent gets to saw off all the posts where they enter the cement footings.

Digging each one out doesn't look that hard thanks to a powerful backhoe.

Watch this quick video.  Dig out once on each side of the post and then out it comes.

This whole area has been cleared since yesterday.

Fencing project.

This area currently called the "north 40" will certainly undergo quite a transition this summer.

Even our little cactus friend is looking forward to all the excitement.

While we were checking in on a house at 667 this morning, Don started chatting with some early morning golfers.

So.....of course we gathered them up for a photo.
