
Wednesday, February 08, 2017


Want to learn more about your smartphone, iPad, tablet, or computer???  Mark your calendars now!

Chris and Jim Guld from "Geeks on Tour" will be staying here for a few days between the FMCA rally in Chandler and the Escapade in Tucson.  They are willing to present some of their best seminars to our Palm Creek residents too.

Saturday, March 11, 12:30 to 3:00  SanTan Room
     What does this button do?  Smartphones!  Everyone is getting them, but do they know what they have?  These are computers that also happen to make phone calls.  There is a lot to know about how to use them - and that's not even counting all the Apps!

Sunday, March 12, 12:30 to 4:00  SanTan Room
     To all the club and activity members:  This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about your blog or website as a communication tool to your members.
     To RV travelers and especially full-timers!  Learn how to create a simple blog to keep as a journal of your travel and adventures.  Paste photos and/or videos of your trips to share with family and friends back home.
Blogging; Every Group Needs a Blog
For people who already have a blog, or those who just want to see what can be included beyond the simple journal type of website. The seminar will use and Windows Live Writer to demonstrate how to include YouTube videos, Google Photos Slideshows and map images in your blog posts or sidebars. You will also learn how to integrate the Facebook and Twitter micro-blogging environments with your main blog.  Perfect for clubs.

#7 Every Traveler Needs a  Blog
Blogger: Make a Free Website and Online Photo Album
Making your own free website and online photo album using Blogger and Google Photos.
Imagine taking that trip of a lifetime. Blogger gives you a free and easy-to-maintain website for the stories, photos, maps and videos of that trip. You can then print a coffee table book to remember the trip for years to come.  Or … if you have a hobby, club, or small business to share with the world, a website is the way to do it!
This seminar will introduce you to Google’s free website and photo tools, and Google Photos Albums.  Learn how to start a Blog/Website and add stories, photos, maps, and videos with Geeks on Tour’s easy to understand, step-by-step instructions. 

Wednesday, March 15, 9:30 to 4:00 SanTan Room
     Come join us at our weekly Computer Club meeting where Jim and Chris will be our guest speakers.  The topic is Google Photos showing us how to post and share our photos in the cloud.  We'll also be discussing Picasa editing tools and how to organize all your photos.  We'll even discuss the camera options on our cell phones.  Break for lunch and join us on the Palm Creek pool patio.  The afternoon session will be a continuation of all of the above topics.

Be sure to bring your computer, smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc. for hands on training.  Classes are FREE.

Sign up on the Computer Club clipboard in the Activities Office or email Sue Hepler at