
Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Busy Place

It's such a beautiful day that we just hopped in the cart and went for a ride around the park.....and what a busy place it is!

The tennis club graciously loaned the pickleball players four of their courts and taped them off for our residents to play during this upcoming tournament week.  All courts were busy too!

Pickleball Vice President, Dave Wight was among the players.

As we passed through the regular courts, we were amazed at the number of sponsorship signs posted in all the courts.  I'm guessing they were all displayed by our avid volunteers.  Looks very professional.

Softball players were on the field practicing.  LOVE to watch their games during season.  Please come out to cheer on our teams.  We play other resorts and RV parks so its nice to have a good home team backing.  

The back 9 holes of the golf course are open for play so the ProShop was busy again today.  Yesterday was busy for them also as they had the big 20% sale.  Very nice merchandise!

Kathy is NOT sleeping in this photo but is intent on her computer screen.  

It's a good thing I'm not a golfer or I would want one of everything in the store.  Very nice quality.