
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sky,Weeds, and Games

No sign of rain again.  Just some light dust passing through.  Light dust here but I wouldn't want to be driving out on Highway 10 during this.

It makes for some golden glowing sunsets though.

Today we were back under clear HOT sky.  I salute all the workers who are out there in the heat and direct sun.  There are contractors here now with all kinds of weed spraying equipment.  It's another never ending chore to keep our park beautiful.

Our great blue heron visits the ponds daily for some fresh sushi.

We still spend our afternoons in the Adobe Room at various card tables.  We send a special thank you to Bonnie Koons for devoting time to teach us to play Mahjong.  Today was my first lesson.  We'll see how long Bonnie can put up with us.  It's a whole new language of bams, dots, cracks, chows, kongs, etc.  Our GM, Kevin Flynn, stopped by to say hello.  

This group was winning pennies at Pokeno.  Lots of friendship and camaraderie.  

Awwww..............say hello to little Rubie.  We met her while she and owner Gene were out for a walk this morning.  I'm betting Ruby is a lot more work than Annie was but Gene enjoys the challenge.
